Pay for 12 months and receive 13!

When you want to get on the water with your friends and families, SailTime eliminates all of the hassles, costs and time of traditional sailboat ownership, sailing syndicates, and boat share schemes. A SailTime membership removes all the barriers to enjoying that new fully equipped yacht or motor boat you have dreamed about.

This is how SailTime Membership works:

A yacht or motor boat is placed in the fleet by an owner member and is “shared” by a maximum of 7 other members who each are guaranteed, but not restricted to, a number of sail times per month. Additionally, members can access “as-available” use at 30-hours notice.

As a member, you design your own sailing calendar to sail as frequently as you want, using the advanced SailTime online Scheduler™.

You can make short-term sailing reservations or plan up to a year in advance and can request to swap sail times with other members or invite other members to join you.

We offer two classic sailing membership options:

  • Gold Members have a guaranteed 6 SailTimes per month, unlimited ‘as available’ sailing and enrolment in SailTime Plus, accessing yachts at all of our NSW and international locations
  • Silver members have a guaranteed 3 SailTimes per month plus the ability to access ‘as available’ sailing and SailTime Plus for a small additional fee.
  • Your one-off joining fee also covers a two-day induction on your chosen boat
  • Your initial commitment is for just 12 months and then moves to a 90-day rolling membership

You’ll be using our convenient online SailTime Scheduler™ from your computer, tablet, or smartphone to make instant reservations or plan outings up to a year in advance.

To find out more download the brochure below, call us on 1300 944 974 or complete our enquiry form and we’ll be in touch to chat so you can see just how easy and affordable it is to become a SailTime member.

“SailTime has been a terrific investment. When we first joined, I’d never sailed before! But I’d always wanted a boat. In fact, I was negotiating the purchase of a boat when I heard about SailTime. When I compared the costs, I couldn’t believe the value. A quick trial sail, and I was in”.

“Learning to sail has been amazing. My wife and I have gone from zero knowledge to sailing a 40-foot yacht on Sydney Harbour – it’s absolutely spectacular”.

“The boats are amazing. Because they get sailed every single weekend, there’s never any disrepair – things are fixed immediately. I don’t have time to sail during the week, so SailTime provides just the right amount of access. My favourite part is being able to get onto a boat and sail without any hassles at all – you just walk on, and walk off. My friends think it’s a great option. They are keen to join together in a group membership.”