Q How does a SailTime membership work?
A SailTime is just like a golf / tennis club membership, but on the water. You pay a monthly / annual fee, have full use of our modern vessels, without any of the ownership responsibilities.
SailTime also provides an on-line sophisticated, but simple to use, ‘fair share’ scheduling system that has been developed over 7 years. Onboard all the yachts there is also an electronic check-on and check-off system that makes it easy to schedule your sailing time and ensures the boat is always clean and ready to go. SailTime is perfect for anyone who wants a more affordable way to sail on a new well equipped yacht.
Q How do you schedule the ‘sail times’?
A Via our exclusive and proprietary on-line SailTime scheduling software. The software allows you to reserve and swap schedules in real-time. You have a minimum 6 sailing ‘slots’ each month that you can use that month, bank for use in the following month, or borrow unused slots from the previous month. You can schedule your sailing times up to a year in advance, anything from a day sail, a night sail or a whole week. A ‘day’ sail is from 10.30 am until 6.00 pm and a ‘night’ sail is from 6.00 pm until 10.30 am the following day.
Q Can I stay overnight on the yacht?
A Yes. Every evening ‘sail time’ slot starts at 6.00 pm and ends at 10.30am the next morning.
Q What stops one member reserving every weekend?
A The 6 guaranteed monthly sailing slots are divided into 1 weekend day, 1 weekend evening, 2 weekday days and 2 weekday evenings. Friday is a weekday. Friday evening is a weekend evening sail time. The Scheduler keeps track of these categories of usage and together with other rules ensures all members have a fair and equitable chance of booking their preferred sailing times.
Q Can I use the yacht if no other member is using the time?
A Absolutely! You can schedule an unlimited number of slots if they are available within 24 hours, for which there is no extra charge.
Q What is the maximum number of members on any yacht?
A The yacht is made available to a maximum of 8 members and 1 owner-member, giving each member approximately 6 weeks sailing per annum.
Q How much will I have to pay when I join SailTime?
A There is a one off joining fee of $1,750 + gst, which covers 2 days induction and on training, sign up, a contribution towards wear and tear, and membership to our unique SailTime Plus – giving you access to over 160 yachts in over 50 locations worldwide.
Q What happens if the boat is damaged and out of commission?
A SailTime take care of it. In the event that your boat is unusable, your SailTime Base will charter in a replacement after a short qualifying period until your boat is repaired.
Q Are there any other maintenance/upkeep fees that will be charged?
A No. Membership is inclusive of all costs. Your only liability is the insurance excess should you have an accident which was partly or entirely your fault.
Q What are the specifications of the yacht?
A The yachts are very well equiped including chart plotter, autopilot, electric windlass, galley items and other features that make yachting easy and enjoyable. All SailTime yachts are fully certified to the Maritime Safety standards for training vessels and carry extensive safety equipment.
Q Who is responsible for cleaning the boat?
A Members wash down the topsides, clean below decks and remove their rubbish, etc. after use. SailTime will ensure that the boat receives a deep clean every month. These measures ensure you get the boat in pristine condition each time you go sailing.
Q Who is responsible for the cost of re-fuelling the yacht?
A SailTime – the membership fee for sailing members is an all inclusive fee covering all diesel and cooking gas used.
Q How do you handle irresponsible members?
A The Membership Agreement makes provision for those members who abuse SailTime’s policies to be fined or ultimately removed from the programme.
Q What experience do I need to become a SailTime member?
A None! SailTime is able to take members that are complete novices not just experinced sailors. An important part of the SailTime programme is the nurturing and training of our members through YA courses to become competent, safe and confident yachtsmen and yachtswomen.
Q I see that you have bases worldwide. Can I use SailTime boats in other locations?
A Yes. As well as enjoying sailing at your local SailTime Base, our global network of bases provides a unique opportunity to sail other yachts within Australia and New Zealand and around the world. SailTime Plus membership lets you book Sailtimes for a small additional fee on currently over 160 + yachts in 60 locations.
Q Can I become a member first and then upgrade to become an owner-member?
A Yes, we actually encourage membership first so that you are happy with the programme. Members can upgrade once a new yacht is required in the fleet.
Q I am not sure that I have enough spare time to use all my 6 weeks access a year. Can I share my membership?
A Yes you can. Classically the ‘Member’ is husband and wife, but the second person could be a partner, sibling, friend or business colleague. Obviously you share the time allocation of 1 membership. However, as frequently happens, you both sail together the majority of the time, but you have effectively halved the cost of membership!
Q Is this too good to be true?
A SailTime was the first in fractional membership sailing and is the world leader. With our technology driven and proven concept you can benefit from our high investment over the last 7 years to enjoy easy, affordable and accessible sailing that really works.